
為了你 我將重生
To be born again for your sake;
Blowing the past away on fluttering clouds;
Letting the future rides on flowing winds;
不曾恐懼 不曾停止 不曾焦慮
Fearlessly, unceasingly, patiently.

在你的臂彎中 我將重生
To be born again in your arms;

為了自己 我將重生
To be born again for my sake;
再次 在金色之卵中等待甦醒
Once again to wait to be born in a golden egg;
再次 展開銀色羽翼宛若將飛翅而去
Once again to be able to fly with silver wings;
不曾慌張 不曾放棄 不曾分離
Unhurriedly, tenaciously, intimately.

在你的臂彎中 我將重生
To be born again in your arms;

為了你 我將重生
To be born again for your sake;
To turn the bliss of our meeting into a gentle light;
And the parting that's sure to come into smothering rain;
Like the little, indigo flowers that blooms in delicate shade.

在你的臂彎中 我將重生
To be born again in your arms;

你握住了我的手 我也不曾甩開那隻手
Your taking my hand and my not shaking it off;
如果兩人的道路宛若相互的心 深深地相疊在一起
Our two path merging to become one as blending minds;
為了自己 我將重生
To be born again for my sake.

在你的臂彎中 我將重生
To be born again in your arms;

別移開那雙眼眸 別放開這隻手
Not averting your eyes, not letting go;
不論是堅強的愛慕還是脆弱的願望 都將它們緊握於懷中
Embracing all the fortitude of will and the frailty of prayers;

在你的臂彎中 我將重生
To be born again in your arms.

為了自己 我將重生
To be born again for my sake;
即使獨自一人 也不感到寂寞
When my not minding the loneliness
Was only the ignorance of my bliss with you.
When my pain of loneliness
Was but my learning to fear of losing you.

所以 在你的臂彎中 我將重生
So then, I will be born again in your arms.

為了自己 我將重生
To be born again for my sake;
自老舊軀殼剝落的碎片 自臉頰滑落的新生之淚
As old shells crumble off and newborn tears fall on e cheek;
因受到你的擁抱 而在背上伸展開來的稀薄羽翼
With your embrace open my etheral wings;
我將重生 只為了你
To be born again for you alone;

在你的臂彎中 我將重生
To be born again in your arms.

用你的聲音和手指 讓我忘記一切
Letting me forget with your voice and your touch;
將繫住我的心和赤裸腳踝的鎖鏈 完全切斷
Breaking off the chains that bind my heart and feet;

在你的臂彎中 我將重生
To be born again in your arms.

為了你 我將重生
To be born again for your sake;
為了不使剛剛點燃的緋紅光芒 熄滅消失
As ember that just caught should not be put out or misplaced;
為了不使剛剛誕生的我的思慕 流逝毀壞
My thoughts just born should not be dissipated or broken apart;
In this cradle you guard over;
To start again from scratch.

為了自己 我將重生
To be born again for your sake;
在你的臂彎中 我將重生
To be born again in your arms.



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